book a prenatal massage

What to Expect When you Book a Prenatal Massage?

Prenatal massages have been received by pregnant women for centuries, mostly to feel better during a time when there is extreme discomfort. If you are an expectant mother and plan to book a prenatal massage, you need to know a few things about it. Here are some things you can expect during a prenatal massage session.

How Prenatal Massage Differs from Regular Massage?

Prenatal massages are designed to suit the anatomical changes of your body during pregnancy. It does not involve you lying face down on a massage table. When you book a prenatal massage, the best and safest position is to be on your side. This position gives the best spaces to areas of the body that are most affected by pregnancy. Prenatal massage therapists are especially trained to massage women during pregnancies.

The therapist will also make use of many pillows, which will be placed between your legs, arms, and under the head. That is done to effectively access the areas that need relaxation. When you lie on your back, the weight often falls, and the uterus compresses the blood vessels and reduces circulation to your placenta, thus causing it to be in an unsafe position and resulting in dizziness. Hence, a semi-side lying position is preferred during a prenatal massage session.

The position During the Massage

The position during a prenatal massage will be lying on your side or in a semi-reclined position on your back with pillows supporting the upper arm and head. Pregnant women should not be on their stomachs due to counter pressure over the problem, leading to a decrease in blood flow, which could lead to decreased oxygen supply for mother and baby.

A safe sitting-up option for pregnant women is neck and shoulder massage, which can help with quick weight loss and more efficient use of energy during pregnancy. It also decreases the odds of experiencing back pain after giving birth. You may experience some tenderness after the prenatal massage, but it is normal and usually subsides within 24-48 hours.

The Pressure Applied During the Massage Session

The massage therapist, during a prenatal massage session, will use light pressure. But this can be adjusted according to your needs. Most pregnant women experience discomfort if they are massaged too deeply. Hence, make sure you communicate with your prenatal massage therapist about what feels comfortable and if there are any areas of concern. Make sure the therapist is knowledgeable about the different stages of pregnancy and what to expect during each step. Pregnant women experience pain in their hips, lower back, legs, hands, and arms due to the extra weight they are carrying, thus increasing the discomfort.

Massage Duration for Every Session

A prenatal massage session usually lasts for 30-45 minutes. You need not undress for the prenatal massage session. Wearing comfortable clothes that are easy to remove or adjust with extra support and can be worn during pregnancy is enough.

Final Thoughts

Remember that a private massage should be a relaxing and soothing experience for pregnant women. Hence, the position during your massage session, the clothes to wear, and how hard teh therapist presses on you will depend on what you prefer. However, if you have any questions related to prenatal massage sessions, you can always consult with the massage therapist beforehand and decide accordingly.

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